The Eiffel Tower Stabbing: A Test for France’s Controversial Anti-Terrorism Measures


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Hi there, welcome to my blog where I share my thoughts and opinions on various topics related to current affairs, politics, culture, and more. Today, I want to talk about the recent stabbing incident near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and how it poses a challenge for France’s controversial anti-terrorism measures.

What happened near the Eiffel Tower?

Near the Eiffel Tower in Paris on December 2, 2023, a knife-wielding assailant fatally killed a German tourist and injured another. the attacker—who has been identified as a French-Iranian guy named Armand R.—was taken into custody by the police. He may be under surveillance by the French security services and connected to extremist groups.

Given that it happened at one of Paris’s most recognisable and well-liked tourist destinations, the stabbing stunned the country and the entire world. It also prompted concerns about the validity and efficacy of France’s anti-terrorism legislation. which have been tightened and extended several times since the 2015 terrorist attacks that killed 130 people in the French capital.

What is France’s anti-terrorism measures?

Since the 19th century, when it enacted extraordinary measures under wartime restrictions, France has had a lengthy history of enacting laws against terrorism. The foundation of the current legal system is a historic law that was passed in 1986 and established a centralised, proactive strategy to counterterrorism involving judges, prosecutors, and intelligence services.

Nevertheless, a state of emergency was proclaimed in France following the 2015 attacks, giving the military and police greater authority to raid houses, impose travel restrictions, close places of worship, and hold suspects without a judge’s order. Several extensions of the state of emergency were granted until 2017, when President Emmanuel Macron replaced it with a new anti-terrorism law that made some of the emergency powers permanently lawful.

The main features of the new anti-terrorism law

According to the new law, the government can:

If there is a “serious threat” to public order or security, conduct electronic monitoring and house searches without a warrant.

If someone has a “serious reason” to believe they are connected to terrorism or radicalization, they should be placed under house arrest or sent back to their hometowns.

For a maximum of six months, close places of worship that are thought to be encouraging violence, bigotry, or prejudice.

Prohibit public events and protests that could start or prolong civil unrest.

In addition, a new anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office was established by the law, with the only authority to look into and prosecute offences related to terrorism. The office can access personal information, freeze assets, and ask for international cooperation, among many other authorities.

Why are France’s anti-terrorism measures controversial?

Human rights organisations, civil society organisations, and certain political parties have criticised France’s anti-terrorism policies, citing their inefficiency, discrimination, and disproportionateness. Among the principal objections to the measures are:

They transgress the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, and the separation of powers, among other fundamental tenets of the rule of law. They undermine the function and supervision of the parliament and the courts while giving the executive branch an excessive amount of discretion and power.

Individuals’ fundamental liberties and rights, including the freedom of expression, the right to privacy, the freedom of religion, and the right to assemble, are violated. They instill mistrust and terror, and they expose individuals to capricious.

Those who are disproportionately affected by the restrictions, such as Muslims and individuals of foreign descent, are singled out and stigmatized. Along with fostering a sense of alienation and animosity among marginalized people,
They are detrimental and ineffectual in stopping and opposing terrorism. They don’t deal with the underlying factors that lead to radicalization and violence, like political unrest, economic and social injustices, and foreign policy problems. By instilling a sense of injustice and tyranny in prospective recruits, they may potentially raise the danger of radicalization and terrorism.

What are the implications of the Eiffel Tower stabbing for France’s anti-terrorism measures?

Justice and censure are due for the horrible and horrifying stabbing incident that occurred in the Eiffel Tower. Additionally, it is a test of France’s counterterrorism tactics, which in the wake of the attack face both chances and problems.

The obstacles facing France’s counterterrorism initiatives

One way to look at it is that the incident might make people want stronger security and more stringent laws, especially in light of the 2024 presidential election that will soon take place. The incident may be used by the ruling party and the government to boost and legitimize its counterterrorism measures as well as to malign and assault their opponents, particularly those who push for more civil liberties and human rights.

The potential for French counterterrorism efforts

But the attack could also highlight the shortcomings and shortcomings of the existing policies, leading to a discussion and reevaluation of their applicability and efficacy. Through the attack, the opposition and civil society may be able to call into question the government’s policies and actions as well as its accountability. They may also put forth more comprehensive and alternative solutions, like addressing the country’s social and economic issues, encouraging communication and integration, and changing foreign policy.


Justice and censure are due for the horrible and horrifying stabbing incident that occurred in the Eiffel Tower. It’s also a test for France’s divisive counterterrorism policies, which encounter chances as well as difficulties in the wake of the incident. France must figure out how to defend its people and ideals without sacrificing its rights and liberties or stigmatising and alienating its lively and diverse groups.

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