Legal Meanings: What They Are and How to Use Them

legal meanings

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Hi there, welcome to my blog! Today I’m going to talk about legal meanings. What are legal meanings, you ask? Well, they are the definitions of words or phrases that have a specific meaning in the legal field. Legal meanings are important because they help us understand the law and how it applies to different situations. In this blog post, I will explain some of the most common legal terms and how to use them correctly. Let’s get started!

What is a legal term?

A legal term is a word or phrase that has a special meaning in the legal context. For example, the word “contract” means an agreement between two or more parties that creates legal obligations. The word “tort” means a wrongful act that causes harm to another person or their property. Legal terms are often derived from Latin, French, or English sources, and they may have different meanings in different jurisdictions or areas of law.

How to find legal meanings?

If you want to learn more about legal meanings, there are several ways to do so. One of the easiest ways is to use a dictionary that specializes in legal terms. For example, you can use the Oxford Dictionary of Law, which provides clear and concise definitions of over 14,000 legal terms. You can also use online resources such as WordStream, which offers a list of popular keywords for legal topics. Another way to find legal meanings is to consult a lawyer or a legal expert who can explain the terms to you in plain language. However, this may be more costly and time-consuming than using a dictionary or a website.

How to use legal terms correctly?

Using legal terms correctly is not only important for lawyers, but also for anyone who wants to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings. Here are some tips on how to use legal terms correctly:

Know your audience

Depending on who you are talking to, you may need to adjust your level of formality and complexity. For example, if you are writing a legal blog for the general public, you may want to use simple and common terms, and explain any technical terms that you use. If you are writing a legal document for a court or a client, you may need to use more precise and formal terms, and follow the rules of grammar and style.

Use the right term for the right context

Legal terms may have different meanings depending on the area of law or the jurisdiction that they belong to. For example, the term “bail” may mean the amount of money that a defendant has to pay to be released from custody before trial, or it may mean the process of releasing the defendant from custody. To avoid confusion, you should always specify the context of the term that you are using, and use the appropriate term for that context.

Be consistent

Once you choose a term to refer to a concept or a person, you should stick to it throughout your communication. For example, if you start by calling someone a “plaintiff”, you should not switch to calling them a “claimant” or a “complainant” later on. This will help your audience follow your argument and avoid ambiguity.


Legal meanings are the definitions of words or phrases that have a specific meaning in the legal field. They help us understand the law and how it applies to different situations. To find legal meanings, you can use a dictionary, a website, or a lawyer. To use legal terms correctly, you should know your audience, use the right term for the right context, and be consistent. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new. Thanks for reading!