The Consequences of Attorney Suspension: A Legal Analysis

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As an attorney, you are aware of the need of keeping up your legal license. You cannot represent your clients, support yourself financially, or develop your career without it. However, what would happen if you were barred from the practice? What causes, consequences, and remedies are there for suspending an attorney? I will examine these issues in this blog post and offer some legal analysis based on ABA (American Bar Association) rules and regulations.

What is attorney suspension?

A lawyer who receives an ethical complaint, is investigated, and it is determined that they broke professional conduct regulations may be suspended from practice. The rules that govern American lawyers’ ethical conduct are known as the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. They address a wide range of topics related to the legal industry, including advertising, fees, conflict of interest, competence, diligence, communication, and secrecy.

The state bar associations oversee the lawyer discipline system, which is likewise based on the ABA Model Rules. Regarding complaints, investigations, hearings, punishments, and appeals, every state has its own set of guidelines and protocols. On the other hand, the ABA Model Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement serve as their broad foundation.

Why are attorneys suspended from practice?

A lawyer’s inability to meet Continuing Legal Education (CLE) obligations is the most frequent reason for their suspension from the bar. For lawyers to maintain current knowledge and abilities, continuing legal education, or CLE, is required. The number of hours, the subjects, and the deadlines for CLE vary from state to state.

Attorney suspension can also occur for the following reasons:

  • not fulfilling the yearly registration obligations
  • The discipline board will impose sanctions.
  • Getting excluded
  • Getting found guilty of an offence
  • Being unable or unfit to perform
  • being retired or not involved

What are the effects of attorney suspension?

An attorney cannot ethically practise law if they are suspended from the profession. As a result, they are unable to offer clients legal counsel, representation, or other services. They are also prohibited from handling client funds, representing clients in negotiations, going to court, and engaging in any other legal activity.

The ABA Model Rule 27 states that a suspended attorney has ten days to inform all of their clients, co-counsel, and opposing counsel of any ongoing cases. In addition, they must reimburse any unearned payments and return any client-owned documents and property. Depending on the state’s requirements, they might be required to notify other organizations—like financial institutions, courts, or agencies—of their suspension.

An attorney who is suspended cannot take on any new clients while they are suspended or on the date that they are reinstated. They also have to provide proof that they have complied with the suspension order and any other conditions imposed by the discipline board.

How can an attorney get reinstated?

Depending on the state and duration of the suspension, different reinstatement procedures apply. The lawyer might only need to fulfil the requirements and pay a reinstatement fee in the case of brief suspensions, including those for CLE or fee delinquency. The lawyer might need to file a petition with the discipline board, go through a fitness and character evaluation, pass an ethics test, or appear in court for longer-term suspensions—such as those resulting from misbehaviour or criminal convictions.

Reinstatement is not a guaranteed or automatic process. The lawyer must prove that they are fit to practice law, that they have turned their life around, and that they won’t make the same mistakes twice. In the event that the discipline board determines that the lawyer is still unsuitable, unrepentant, or uncooperative, reinstatement may be denied.


Lawyers may suffer major repercussions from attorney suspension, including harm to their livelihood, reputation, and career. It is crucial that solicitors are aware of and always abide by the ethical guidelines that control their field. They must take timely, responsible action to minimise the harm and pursue reinstatement if they are suspended. Should they require assistance, they ought to speak with an attorney who focuses on professional ethics and duty.

This blog post should have been useful and educational for you.