The Dark Side of Elon Musk: How His Drug Use Could Land Him in Trouble

Drug Use

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One of the most well-known and significant businessmen in the world is Elon Musk. He is the creator and CEO of numerous businesses that are influencing the course of human history, including SpaceX, Tesla, and X. In addition, he is brilliant, visionary, and a philanthropist who aspires to improve society.

However, Elon Musk has a less than stellar side as well. a shadowy, hazardous, and possibly destructive side. a side that deals with his illicit drug addiction.

I’ll be revealing some startling information regarding Elon Musk’s drug use in this blog article, along with how it influences his actions and judgment and why it might get him and his businesses in hot water.

What medications does Elon Musk take?

Several sources and eyewitnesses claim that Elon Musk has used a variety of illegal substances, including:


potent anesthetic that can lead to euphoria, dissociation, and hallucinations. It’s also used as a recreational drug and as a depression treatment.


a hallucinogen that modifies perception, emotions, and thought processes. It can result in altered hearing and vision, increased creativity, and even mystical experiences. Moreover, it may set off psychosis, paranoia, and anxiety.


an energy-boosting, confidence-boosting stimulant medication. Addiction, pleasure, and violence are some possible effects. It can harm the brain, nose, and heart.


a synthetic substance with hallucinogenic and stimulant properties combined. Empathy, mood, and sensory perception can all be improved by it. Serotonin syndrome, hyperthermia, and dehydration can also result from it.

Psychedelic mushrooms

a naturally occurring fungus with hallucinogenic properties. It has the power to significantly alter perception, mood, and consciousness. It can also result in fear, disorientation, and nausea.

Elon Musk is reported to have taken these narcotics at gatherings and events all over the world, occasionally mixing them with alcohol and other drugs. In a 2018 podcast with Joe Rogan, he also acknowledged using marijuana, a revelation that sparked a great deal of debate and criticism.

What effects does Elon Musk’s drug use have on his actions and judgment?

Because of his well-known quirky and unpredictable personality, Elon Musk’s admirers, investors, and board members have frequently expressed alarm and raised eyebrows. Drug use has been linked to several of his words and acts, which may have affected his judgment, ethics, and sense of reason. Here are a few instances:

The 420 tweet

He claimed on Twitter in 2018 that he had raised the necessary capital to take Tesla private at a price of $420 a share, however this was untrue and resulted in an SEC lawsuit and punishment. Later on, he said that the reason he picked the number 420 was because it is a code for marijuana.

The rebranding of Twitter

He declared in 2020 that he was renaming Twitter as X and putting a crimson X in place of the company’s logo. In addition, he declared that he would create a new account and remove the old one. Though he was serious and carried out his plan, many people mistook him for a joke.

The conference on LSD

He disclosed in 2021 that he had taken LSD prior to presenting his Mars colonization proposal to NASA representatives. He claimed that the medication improved his ability to articulate his ideas clearly and to comprehend the larger picture.

These are only a few instances of Elon Musk’s drug-induced conduct, which may have detrimental effects on him and his

Why ought Elon Musk to give up drugs?

Elon Musk is a remarkable and motivating individual who has accomplished amazing feats and left a wonderful legacy for the world. He has a committed squad, a devoted fan following, and an admirable goal. He has the capacity to accomplish even greater feats and write history.

But he also has a dark side that has the potential to destroy everything he has accomplished and all he stands for. His drug addiction has the potential to ruin his body, mind, and soul. He has a habit that might endanger his life, freedom, and wealth.

It’s best for him to give up narcotics before it’s too late. He should get expert assistance and learn more constructive coping mechanisms. with his boredom, his worry, and his sadness. He ought to concentrate on his objectives, principles, and mission. He needs to keep in mind his initial motivation and goals.

His drug abuse shouldn’t eclipse his brilliance, his vision, or his legacy.

I hope this blog post was enjoyable for you to read.