How teams examine legal cost and billing data for predictive spending.

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How advanced spend management systems can assist your legal team examine legal spending and billing data for better budgeting and forecasting

Legal departments face the challenge of doing more with less. To maintain solid financial management and a return on investment, outside counsel must take a strategic approach to legal spend and billing data analysis, given the stress of increased workloads, diminishing budgets, and rising expenses.

Top-performing legal departments use technology to give world-class expenditure management solutions. These solutions provide more efficiency and data processing, resulting in more accurate spend projections.

The status of legal department technology

According to a Thomson Reuters report, nearly 60% of legal departments have experienced higher workloads in recent years, while nearly 30% have had to reduce budget.

Spending on outside legal advice also has an impact on budgets. While the demand for counsel has not changed significantly, costs have risen as firms collaborate with more senior-level partners. Furthermore, timekeeper rate hikes rose by 5.5% in the first quarter of 2023. These characteristics might make spending difficult to foresee for businesses who are trying to manage and reduce their expenses.

All of this has contributed to the recent spike in technology use by legal departments, with more than half increasing their tech usage as part of a strategy move to obtain a competitive advantage.

Legal Department Challenges

There is little doubt that today’s legal departments face a variety of issues in spend management. And these have a direct impact on the department’s capacity to operate efficiently and strategically.

Some of the most typical challenges are as follows:

Lack of transparency in spending.
Insufficient visibility into legal-related risks
Rising hourly rates and unrestrained spending
Changes in workforce expectations provide challenges for attracting and retaining employees.
The overwhelming diversity of legal technology providers leads to fragmented solutions.

Despite the hurdles, legal departments can improve operations and receive a real return on their investment. Instead of taking a backseat, you might play an important role as a strategic partner in the C-suite, directing overall operational conversations.

Some of the advantages of spend management software are:

Advanced spend management technologies enable accurate recording and reporting of essential data.
Better forecasting and educated decision-making lead to cost savings.
Enhanced bargaining strength in talks with benchmarked data.
Alignment of legal spending and market changes
Transforming into strategic enablers with data-driven insights

What top-tier spend management solutions look like today

Tools that incorporate data analytics and AI-based insights in a cloud-based platform provide significantly more value than traditional expense tracking.

These spend management solutions stand out because they allow for predictive analysis of future spending. Legal fees can fluctuate rapidly, particularly for outside counsel. Understanding and forecasting these expenses is crucial for good budget management, since it enables proactive decision-making and flexibility to changing situations.

Spend management solutions can also give legal departments a competitive advantage. You can improve operational efficiency by implementing cloud-based reporting and process automation, which shifts the focus from mundane manual administrative duties to strategic, client-centered operations. This method streamlines operations, enhances risk mitigation, and assures compliance with financial regulations, which is critical for preserving a good reputation.

With best-in-class solutions, your legal department can achieve more. These tools can assist you in categorizing work and identifying expenditure patterns in order to optimize budgets, target critical benchmarks and metrics, and allocate resources more effectively. Using this method, you can be more proactive with your financial strategy rather than acting defensively from the back foot.

Moving to predictive spending.

Legal departments are under increasing pressure to successfully control costs while providing high-quality legal services. The value of a sophisticated, technology-driven spend management plan cannot be emphasized.

Legal departments can use the correct technologies to better manage current spending while anticipating and planning for future financial demands, ensuring long-term and strategic legal operations.