How Banning Books Violates Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

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One of the most essential human rights is the right to freedom of expression. It gives us the freedom to express our ideas to other people without worrying about retaliation or censorship. Additionally, it gives us access to a variety of independent and unbiased information sources, all of which are necessary for a strong and democratic society.

Not everyone, though, can enjoy this independence. Governments, religious organizations, and other influential players attempt to censor or restrict what individuals can read, write, or say in many regions of the world. Book bans are among the most popular and efficient strategies to accomplish this.

What is the book-banning policy?

The act of forbidding or limiting the publishing, distribution, or accessibility of specific books due to their themes, content, or messages is known as book banning. There are numerous ways to outlaw books, including:

books being burned

In this most severe and symbolic type of book banning, books are burned, frequently at rituals held in public. This is done to make the books disappear and to threaten or penalize the authors and readers of the literature. The Cultural Revolution in China, the Nazi dictatorship in Germany, and the Taliban in Afghanistan are a few instances of book burning.

Seizing books

This is the location where books are confiscated by the government and either temporarily or permanently taken out of print. This is done in an attempt to dissuade people from reading the books and to stop them from being produced or distributed. Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Soviet Union are a few countries that have confiscated books.

book censorship

Here is where books are edited or changed—either by the publishers or the authorities—to take out or modify objectionable, improper, or harmful passages. This is done in an effort to improve the books’ appeal to the prevailing morality or ideology. The censoring of books in China, Turkey, and India are a few examples.

books that are difficult

Here, people or organizations oppose to or protest books and call for their removal or restriction from establishments like bookstores, libraries, and educational institutions. This is carried out in order to defend or advance the interests, values, and convictions of a particular audience or group. Australia, Canada, and the United States are a few countries that present book challenges.

Why are certain books prohibited?

Depending on the situation and viewpoint of the book banners, books can be prohibited for a variety of reasons. Among the most typical causes are:

political motives

Books that expose, question, or critique the political system, the government, or the ruling party are prohibited. They might also encourage or back opposing or alternative movements, viewpoints, or ideas. Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and George Orwell’s 1984 are a few examples of novels that have been outlawed for political reasons.

for religious grounds

Books that offend, contradict, or cast doubt on the official religion, its leaders, or any of its tenets are prohibited. Atheism or agnosticism may also be expressed, as well as the promotion or endorsement of other religions, groups, or beliefs. Books like Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, and J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye are examples of works that have been outlawed due to religious objections.

moral justifications

Books that go against or question the prevalent norms, values, or morality of a society or culture are prohibited. They might also feature or talk about subjects like sex, violence, drugs, or racism that are taboo, contentious, or improper.for educational purposes

Educational reasons

Books that are considered inappropriate or damaging for children’s or young adults’ educational or developmental requirements are prohibited. Propaganda, false information, and factual errors could also be present. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, and The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank are a few examples of books that have been banned for educational purposes.

How is the freedom of expression violated by book banning?

Book bans are against the freedom of expression in a number of ways, including:

It restricts the variety and caliber of information available: By outlawing books, the book banners deny the people access to a variety of reliable, independent sources of knowledge and information—all of which are critical for comprehension, opinion formation, and learning. They also impose their own agendas, biases, or interests, which lowers the caliber and legitimacy of the information and knowledge that is offered.
It inhibits writers’ and publishers’ inventiveness and creativity: The book banners’ prohibition of books dissuades and disincentives writers and publishers from creating and disseminating novel, avant-garde, or difficult works—all of which are essential to the growth of literature, the arts, and culture. Additionally, they intimidate and chastise writers and publishers who dared to convey their opinions, thoughts, or applying penalties, legal action, jail time, or even death.
It infringes upon readers’ and customers’ liberties and rights: The right of readers and customers to read, write, and express themselves freely without fear of censorship or retaliation is violated by book banners’ book bans. Additionally, they violate the rights of readers and customers, who are free to select, obtain, or enjoy anything they want in accordance with their own requirements, tastes, or preferences.

How can the book bans be stopped?

The freedom of speech is seriously threatened by book banning, which is something we should neither support nor tolerate. The following are some actions we can take to put an end to book banning:

Educate ourselves and others: We ought to inform people about the value and advantages of free speech as well as the risks and negative effects of book banning. Along with educating ourselves and others, we should also learn about the books that are prohibited as well as the rationale and goals behind the prohibition. We should study, analyze, and debate the books that are outlawed while also expressing our thoughts and observations to others.
Encourage and commemorate the authors of the outlawed books: We ought to encourage and commemorate the outlawed books and their authors by purchasing, reading, or endorsing the outlawed books, as well as by organizing or participating in book clubs, festivals, or activities that showcase the outlawed books. Additionally, we ought to honor and support the writers of the books that have been banned by adhering to, supporting, or expressing gratitude to them, or by organizing or participating in campaigns, petitions, or movements that support or shield them.
Speak up and act: We should denounce, expose, or challenge the book banning in order to voice our opinions, concerns, and objections. We should also take action against the book banning. In addition, we should speak up and take action in support of freedom of speech by joining or taking part in networks, organizations, or groups that promote it, as well as by defending, advancing, or supporting the rights and liberties of writers, publishers, readers, and customers.

In summary

Book banning is an infringement on the right to free speech, therefore it should never be permitted. Books are more than simply words on paper; they are mirrors of the self, windows into the outside world, and links between people. They give us the ability to think, feel, and act, and they enrich our minds, hearts, and souls. Both our books and our right to free speech should be treasured and safeguarded.