In this blog post, you will learn about Illegal, a hip-hop duo that faced legal consequences for their lyrics in the early 1990s. You will also discover the implications of using rap lyrics as evidence in court cases, and how rap music and hip-hop culture are often misunderstood and discriminated by the legal system.
Polygamy and Human Rights: A Critical Examination of the Legal and Ethical Issues
In this blog post, I will explore some of the arguments for and against polygamy, and how it affects the human rights of women and children. Polygamy is a controversial topic that raises many legal and ethical questions. It involves a balance between individual liberty and collective responsibility, between respect for diversity and protection of human rights, between tradition and modernity.
Read Time:
6 Min
Hitting A Girl: When Is It Self-Defense And When Is It Assault?
In this blog post, I will explain when hitting a girl is self-defense and when it is assault, based on some common scenarios and legal principles. I will also give you some tips on how to avoid violence and resolve conflicts peacefully.
Read Time:
10 Min